‘The Phone Call’

A One-Man Musical To Inspire Oneness



Press Headlines for ‘The Phone Call’

From a phone call placed to an undisclosed friend in need, singer/songwriter and activist Danny Rongo initiates a conversation with this individual who is trying to come to terms with his spirituality and the concept of ‘oneness’. 

Throughout the production, Danny guides his friend and the audience to the understanding that we are all one by explaining in detail some of the many aspects of ‘oneness’, and through his insightful music and message.


Singer, songwriter, and activist Danny Rongo continues his journey of ONENESS with his latest production ‘The Phone Call’.  Featuring the music from his most recent CD ‘one bass one voice Simply ONESONG’ as the backdrop to a conversation with a friend who is trying to come to terms with his spirituality and the concept of ONENESS, Danny takes his friend and the audience along on this journey.

Although an active bassist and vocalist for 4 decades, it wasn’t until Danny decided to combine his thoughts on spirituality and oneness into songs in 2007 that he finally understood his own calling.  As a direct disciple of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Danny came to terms with the knowledge that we are all one and he found a way to translate that understanding through his music. Danny has applied his music and message to help such causes as: Our Veterans and troops / Cancer patients / Our Children / Our Planet and more. He and his music has been the backdrop for countless fundraisers and benefits throughout NJ and beyond as he has helped to raise thousands of dollars for many organizations, causes, and concerns.

Danny feels that this latest production of ‘The Phone Call’ has come to fruition at a time when our society needs it most. “Our world and we as its inhabitants are spinning out of control. We need to get back to our inherent truth that we are not separate from one another. WE ARE ONE!”  Danny has said.

** Danny donates 5% of the total proceeds from every performance to help

local NJ Veterans through “VETWORK” **

(click on this image to be directed to

Backstage at ‘The Phone Call’

(click on this image to read the feature article in Asbury Park Press)


Discussing ‘THE PHONE CALL’ on

‘One More’ with Danny Coleman 1/2/17


Video trailer for THE MOVIE –

‘The Phone Call’ (coming soon! 🙂

Contact Danny for additional information
