The Coronavirus of 2020 affected our entire global population. This unprecedented Global Pandemic left society wondering how to navigate through such uncertainty. Spiritual Author and Singer-Songwriter Danny Rongo, also known as ‘That Oneness Guy’ addressed the WAYZ in which to navigate through that uncertainty, along with all that we face in life with his latest book of Oneness:
“The WAYZ of Oneness” Helping to Navigate Life.
Conceived and written under the blanket of our global pandemic, and from the imposed isolation, Danny knew which specific features of Oneness he would need to find his own way through the challenges of the Coronavirus. As he considered the many WAYZ that Oneness could help him when facing a pandemic, he found himself considering the many WAYZ that Oneness, if used as a navigational tool, could help our lives in general.
The WAYZ of Oneness addresses the most important aspects of life. The book shows specifically how to navigate through:
Love, Hatred, Death, Fear, Ego, Health, Energy, Duality, Money, Family, Choices, Purpose, Crisis.
Along with the pandemic as the backdrop for inspiration, Danny also drew upon the inspiring thoughts of noted spiritual authors and messengers as well. Danny selected specific insight from the likes of; Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, and the Spirit Guide ‘Abraham’ (via Esther Hicks) to also help us as we use The WAYZ of Oneness to Navigate Life.
And please revisit my first book of Oneness
(click image to go to book website at: www.iamgodbook.com)
Here is an excerpt taken from:
“I Am God” (And so are you my friend)
A Common Man’s Guide to ONENESS
“You see, my hopes are that the thoughts and messages I convey in this book regarding oneness will take some pressure off of your life. Our lives, especially nowadays are so stressed-filled with pressure it boggles the mind! But throughout the book, you’ll understand how due to the inclusion that oneness represents, you’ll naturally lose much if not all of that stress. You’ll see how this book comes at the most crucial of times for our society. Our world as we see and experience first-hand has approached a boiling point, to say the least. The hatred and divisiveness that now run rampant throughout the world have become the predominant energy that manifests what becomes daily life for us all. If you watch TV, listen to the radio, or browse the internet, you see what’s happening. I’ve written this book because every ounce of my being gets slowly ripped apart when I see these daily occurrences. It honestly breaks my heart. And here’s why. Because ‘I KNOW’ this is not how it’s supposed to be. Because ‘I KNOW’ that our world is in this state because we took it here. And most importantly because ‘I KNOW’ that we have the capacity to turn this train wreck around.”